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Very Large Pages


Very Large (or very deep) books are part of long-term thinking tradition.  Apparently our brain operates differently when there is more distance -- in such case distance typically means more sparse, more abstract,  "why" instead of "how".  Almost as if (and maybe because)  the daily mundane details are even processed by a different part of the brain. So a person can be totally functional in the now, yet take really bad long term decisions while another can be the opposite, and we could define that deviance as an abstract/distant future bias.

Empathy versus Play is perhaps a way to define our co-evolving brain functions. Empathy we could say is to be able to put ourselves into someone's shoes. To see the world in the manner of so and so permits acting, permits to imagine, allow us to suspend belief to ask "what if". So empathy is distance while Play is practice and exploration, is to bring stuff to our senses so we learn, so we develop sub-conscious thought process.

Short sense of time is small sense of possibiliies.  What tends to happen, is even if you are in the "news" business  you shift to "what's good for society" from "what's good for newspaper".  As a journalist working for a newspaper, you tend to fall onto the immediate pragmatics - to defend the hand that feeds you. However the answer is clearly what we need is "Journalist" and not "NewsPapers", and what we need is a system of journalism rather then a news business. Much like we need musicians more then a music business.  Printed newspapers have seen from the late 1990's to the end of the 2000's decade a continual drift of revenues away from newspaper publications. In particular what is known as small ads, often transient "one-time" trade event. A project like is a well known such disruptive force.

Small ads clearly show the distinction between content and the business of. In this example small ads make the business strive (generates revenues) while content legitimate the charge (creates a reason for a wider audience to pick up), readers become for the business some sort of eyeball count, preferably with a clear demographic profile. So if you take the long and deep view you immediately see that there is no actual link between journalism and small ads other then the later eventually sponsors the former.  What we could probably say is the reporter in 2009 has more difficulties then the opinion leader-journalist. That is personalities remain in-demand as they attract eyeballs while the reporter faces competition from the citizen on site who has the means to report what is happening. The barrier of entry (camera, phone, computer) is relatively low.

To this we add a number of other phenomenas. A larger part of the population go for free even at lower fidelity. The printing press was expensive (or the television distribution process) so often it meant little outlet so created critical eyeball masses which maintained the relationship between the retail chains and the war bureaus in some exotic countries. The retail chain never requested that there be a journalist in Kabul, Bagdad or anywhere, the relationship was indirect. McDonald, Wal-Mart or HP don't really need a journalistic envoy over there. Only us, the citizens, need that. 

So "very" here really means make you imagine the Unthinkable before old school model is deprecated, so that our idea of reality is not faith-based but grounded on real causality and principles. Are we really on sandstone/bedrock or that's the guys next block...   Everyone saw the internet, not everyone understood how to react. [2009]: The question remains who also imagine the future right now. Is the web really going to stay as a business? Remember email and email forums... how it used to work.