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draft: letter to youtube

my reference:
I am not an attorney but I can read english and I can't see how that does not apply to youtube.

At least google is equal opportunity, here is randomly one of google owned product,   ($495, similar in pricing to some of our products)
Philosophy: If you take the long view, how is this helping your company and how is this helping the citizens of this country?  I am not even going to talk about Pirate Bays and people setting up servers at large chinese data centers.

One long term pattern I have seen is there is a direct correlation with cracked software usage and making money writing software in any geographical territory.
- For example France has tightened it's IP law regarding cracks, and I have seen a proportional gain in international sales here.
- The Ukraine and the russian group that historically provided most of the software cracking technology, what do they generate as a long term consequence?  Would you outsource work to these guys? Why would you trust them?

This is a multi-year degenerative process. If businesses get software for free (small and large) then there is no opportunity for someone that starts to service them, therefore there is no growth possible from that start point. It's the same argument one could do for undocumented low-wage labor, the secondary effect is larger if you start seeing it from the perspective that there is no more jobs for students, they don't learn to work and be entrepreneurs (knock at people's door to ask if they can cut their grass...). The same argument can be made for outsourcing. You severe the necessary apprenticeship of a trade, necessary step to eventually compete. ETC (I could go on).

If Google has the market cap of a small country, why would it not have the same effect over time on it's environment if it has the same moral laissez-faire attitude?  Do you see cracks on vimeo for example? Why is that? Why is the ratio of good to noise so high on youtube in comparison? How do you nurture an ecosystem of innovation with an attitude like that? 

Why is it when I set google to images search and I type "sketchup crack" that in SafeSearch OFF the first two results are crack links, and when I set it to strict the first 2 are gone.  Wouldn't it be less expensive and more productive for your company to do like spam filters and quarantine these for review rather then deal with the takedown overhead, and wouldn't it serve youtube long-term interest better? When we send newsletters to 100 000 people, we have to make sure we don't use certain words that trigger ISP level spam filters. Wouldn't a solution like that be cheaper to implement in the medium term...  Isn't it fair for me to think that youtube is making illegitimate software distribution easier (now you barely need to know how to hold a mouse) then anything before?  What is the value for a software company to provide a platform that teaches kids that?