Still don't have a clear picture
What I like: the 8.5x11 proceedings - textbook like format
an internet editable format for the in-progress version
This is a wiki I played with - it's ckeditor on the right and an outline organizer on the right (where you can move stuff)
It's a combination of and the picture Organizer
I can run it on a desktop without internet access as well if the content is on my HD
In the wiki it prefixes the html with a few internal codes that include the title and comments to page are appended at the end (off in the wiki here but I have it elsewhere on). It's easy to prune the header and footage of the file and have good basic html.
factory automation - Kevin M
We will need a simple factory automation. Starting to think... I am ok to patch a few stand-alones and post the result scripts on
1) Convert all to single Chapter Files - 105 right now I think with title as file name
I suggest using 001 to 105 before the title names to keep them in order.
- I had conversion issue in Word with the conversions from a form that maintains each chapter as a separate document file.
2) Make all single column (right now it's screwed up because the way I split chapters it creates 2 sections each time and makes the document impossible to edit).
B -- BASED ON A RESULT, could look like this
3) Drop original document map - maintain random uid at the end of filename?
4) Assemble PDF script - insert title, create 2 colums (4,6 for big book or newspaper format and 1 for A5 type like iPad epub)
5) PDF to print (I have an html to pdf program) and then somehow merge all PDF in right order
Edit levels of distribution - Alex Red Hair
the wiki also has permissions management.
each book comes with a private login and a clone of the wiki they can edit (the function delete, sort, settings go away, one can still move the pages wit the outline mechanism)
we have to fullfill the book ourselves (fill the webform) if we do bundles (print + web editable + desktop PDF)
- portal login is (login is already there)