more extreme poetry
I like the smartest person in the room is the room: Just ordered"enjoyed reading his most recent book,
Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now that the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room is the Room, which does a good job of sketching out the implications of networked knowledge. He uses the format of the book—a linear long-form argument, broken into chapters, building sequentially up to a conclusion—to describe how things no longer work the way they did when much of our knowledge was published on paper. It wears its academic garb lightly (Weinberger’s PhD is in philosophy and currently he hangs his hat at Harvard’s
Berkman Center), mixing history, technology, science, and popular culture in an immensely readable, thought-provoking form." MOST DIFFICULT BOOKS EVER WRITTEN clubs the Internet, uh? below to remind us about feedback loops in organization of information think a point is we favor decentralized information and it by definition require personal self-organization.
And organization is an iterative process and the information in question here is dynamic (new things get created, some old things get deprecated).
So different things are happening at the same time, content is templatized (generated on the fly and perhaps even "personalized"), aggregated (story between yelp and google republishing it), by Folders or TagsI am sort of way pass that issue at this point but let's review one more time. What works is to first parse incoming information into a top level pile (or folder). However not all information is text searchable so wrapping it up with text (be it tag or simple sentences) work.
What is the purpose, are you organizing because you want to add to to-do list or because you want to archive as read? piles to wide screen arrangements Point Makes you Dumb please "Giants schedule" returns San Francisco Giants or New York Giants?
Competing Reasoners and Information Matching I am not seeing when I search: per field: legal - find related cases"Most of us know little or nothing of how to produce food. More and more of us cannot build, cannot fix, cannot track, cannot tell time by looking at the sky, cannot hunt, cannot skin or butcher, cannot cook, cannot can, cannot make wine, cannot play instruments (and if we can, often do not know the songs of our culture by which to entertain a variety of generations), cannot dance (i.e. actual dances), cannot remember long passages of poetry, don't know the Bible, cannot spin or knit, cannot sew or darn, cannot chop wood or forage for mushrooms, cannot make a rock wall, cannot tell the kinds of trees by leaves or the kinds of birds by the shape of wing--on and on, in a growing catalogue of abandoned inheritance."
--Patrick Deneen, "Culture, Technology, and Virtue"
A common sentence to express all this is knowledge lost in information, where in the process of making all this more meaningful to machines (to make what has already meaning to us meaningful to knowbots) we ourselves become focus in linking and relaying rather then feeding our brain for growth,
T.S. Eliot posed the question: "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"