Seems that writing a good Chat Bot implies that the first thing he must provide believable answers - but does he need to sound like a human - role-play a crowd-sourced anonymous human.
It's not because it's performed by a bot that it's better.
Crowd-Sourcing is almost a prerequirement for bot integration in our thought process, to normalize them in our daily operation. Crowd-sourcing typically works when a virtual commander can prototype a response pattern that can be copied-adapted to each situation, where each situation has enough normality to derive from. For example a straight translation has an agreed upon target, so is clearly something that can be crowd-sourced.
Captcha is sort of a system used to input human intervention to an automated process (ocr) that fails to identify ehr words, yet succeed in figuring out it fails (there is nothing more crazy then one who does not kwwn they are crazy)